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Where am I? Types of interviews and rules of conduct for them

Forewarned - means armed, says folk wisdom. So it would be nice for job seekers to know what can expect them at the interview. Indeed, it is far from always the case is limited to the questions “Why do you want to work with us?” And “Tell us about your experience”.

To understand what kind of interview you got in and how to behave, read recommendations.

Several interview classifications have been developed. We will focus on the types of interviews that are most often applied in practice and which you are very likely to encounter.

Screening interview: on clothes meet ...
Depending on the purpose, there are 2 types of interviews - screening and screening.

The screening interview is the first step in the recruiter’s personal interaction with candidates. Of all those who sent their resumes for the vacancy, the selection manager selects applicants who objectively meet the requirements of the vacancy. Of course, some applicants can be eliminated at the resume stage if, for example, they do not have the required education or experience. Those whose resume meets the requirements are invited to a screening (first) interview.

How to behave at the first meeting with a recruiter? As you know, the first impression is very important, so the main thing is to show yourself as an adequate person, motivated to work in the company. Calm business clothes, discreet makeup and, of course, politeness. Think in advance of the answer to a fairly traditional question: “Why do you want to work with us?”. Show professionalism and interest in the activities of the company. Feel free to ask questions about the content of future work - this will emphasize your high motivation. But from the threshold you should not ask about the vacation or the work schedule of the dining room - the HR manager may doubt that you are work oriented.

Screening interview - talent contest?
If the screening interview went smoothly, you will be invited to a second interview - qualifying. At this stage, the company has several candidates. Most likely, each of them objectively corresponds to a vacancy, but at the same time has its own strengths and weaknesses.

A qualifying interview is a kind of contest for applicants for a position. Most likely, not only a recruiter will participate in it, but also your potential leader. During the conversation you have to demonstrate that you are an excellent specialist. Tell us about your achievements (give specific examples), emphasize how exactly you can be useful to the company. Ask questions about the specifics of work - it is better to think over them in advance (and even write down) so as not to forget anything from excitement.

Born, studied, married ...
Depending on the content, biographical, situational,
criteria-based, stressful and comprehensive interviews.

What is a biographical interview is clear from the name. Most likely, you will be offered in one form or another to tell about your work experience, about where and when you acquired it, what educational institution you graduated from, etc. “Why did you decide to enter this particular university?”; “Why did you leave your first job if everything went well?”; “Where did you learn to work with codes?” - such questions should not confuse you.

Think in advance at what angle it is better to present your biography, what accents to place, what to keep silent about, and what to tell in the most detail. Are you a kid animator? Tell us in detail how the counselor worked in the summer camp, what games they organized there, but it’s enough to mention the work as a waitress in passing. Are you applying for the position of a PR manager? It is not necessary to recall in detail how you studied at a technical university (why focus on non-core education?), It’s better to talk about how you mastered your profession in the course of work, which PR-campaigns you were particularly successful at.

Remember: you can’t deceive a recruiter, with the help of lies no one has yet succeeded in making a career, moreover, the applicant’s words can be easily verified by, for example, turning to the recommendations of his former leader.

A situational interview allows you to evaluate the candidate’s working methods, his train of thought, as well as to understand what tasks he will cope well with and which he will need insurance.

During a situational interview, the recruiter usually offers the interlocutor case studies - real or hypothetical situations that the applicant may encounter at work. “What will you do if the client refuses the transaction literally five minutes before signing the papers?”; “What will you do if a well-known newspaper publishes a comment on behalf of the president of the company without agreeing on the final version of the text with you?” - the questions can be very different.

Respond to them in accordance with your ideas about the correct work. Do not worry: since you have been invited to such an interview, you probably have relevant experience. And in this case, the cases will hardly seem too complicated for you.

Criterion Interview
Somewhat similar to the previous type of interview and criteria-based interview. The applicant should answer the questions asked by the recruiter (as a rule, this is a whole list, but most of the questions are standard). Questions will be some kind of criteria for assessing your readiness for work in the company.

It is worth noting that this technique is not used too often: the probability of an interviewer error in interpreting your answer is high. However, if you had to become a participant in a criterion interview, answer as honestly as possible and use the baggage of your professional experience.

“Another mediocre candidate has come ...” already talked about what a stressful interview is and how to get through it. If you are greeted with rudeness from the doorway (“Another mediocre candidate has come ...”), if a recruiter knocked over a cup of coffee for your new suit, if you are asked the wrong questions (“Why are you divorced? Can't get along with people?”), does not mean that the employer does not know about the rules of business communication. It is very likely that in such an intricate and, frankly, ambiguous way from the standpoint of ethics, he tests you for stress resistance.

The chances of getting into a stressful interview are greater for those who, due to their duties, have to communicate a lot with people - customer service managers, call center operators, PR managers, etc.

The strategy of behavior at a stressful interview can be one - to behave as calmly and calmly as possible, in no case do not stoop to rudeness and rudeness. Well, if, in your opinion, the recruiter’s behavior goes beyond all boundaries, you can interrupt the “interview” with the words: “It seems to me that our conversation is not very constructive. Let's either seriously discuss the vacant position and my business skills, or end the conversation. ” If you say this calmly and with dignity, you can assume that the stressful interview is over.

Comprehensive interview
However, recruiters rarely use a purely biographical, situational, stressful or criterion interview. Most often, the interview is complex: for example, first you talk about the details of your biography, and then the HR manager will offer you a couple of cases. Or at first the interview will be stressful, and then it will go back to normal and become biographical in nature.

In addition, several company representatives often participate in a comprehensive interview at once - for example, a personnel manager and a potential leader.

Personally or collectively?
According to the form of conducting, individual and group interviews are distinguished.

At an individual interview, you will be the main character - the personnel manager (or possible leader) will talk only with you. The advantages of this method for the recruiter are obvious: it is easier to create a confidential atmosphere at the interview, the candidate has the opportunity to answer questions in more detail.

Group interviews are used, as a rule, in the mass selection of personnel (for example, as waiters in a large chain restaurant). In this case, the employer has the opportunity to evaluate several candidates at once with the least loss of time. How to behave in a group interview? Behave naturally, but try to demonstrate your best qualities - take the initiative, ask questions, act as a leader, if you have a penchant for leadership.

Business lunch
Interviews are classified according to the place and method of conducting them. Interviews can take place in the office, in a cafe or restaurant, as well as by phone or skype.

What is the difference between an interview in an office and an interview in a restaurant? Experienced HR managers say that nothing is fundamentally: in both situations you need to prove yourself as a professional person who is familiar with the rules of business etiquette. If you were invited to a business lunch interview, do not rush to order a few dishes, because your main goal here is not food. Behave as you would in a regular interview, while paying attention to the proper use of cutlery. The chances of getting an interview in a cafe are greater for those who apply for a leadership position, or for those who for some reason cannot come to the office of the company.

My phone rang ...
As for the interview by phone or skype, most often in this form they conduct only the first screening interview. This allows us to simplify the procedure and save the time of the recruiter and the applicant.

So, if the recruiter called you, speak briefly, but not monosyllabically, clearly answer the questions. If there are a lot of extraneous noise around you that can interfere with the conversation, it’s better to politely apologize and offer to call back after a while. Confirm that you are interested in the vacancy, if necessary, briefly describe your experience. Try to write down key information - you can be dictated by surnames (for example, a potential leader), dates of a possible meeting, etc.

Skype interview is a bit more difficult task, but quite feasible for any job seeker. Be prepared for the fact that the recruiter will in absentia evaluate not only your speech (as it would be during a telephone conversation), but also your appearance. So it’s better to change your home T-shirt to a shirt, and to lock the dog temporarily in the bathroom.


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