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“Why didn’t they take me?” Is it always worth reproaching yourself for mistakes at the interview

Denial of employment can be different. They may call you and politely say that, unfortunately, they are not yet ready to make a job offer. They can write the same in an email. They may not call or write - then you yourself will guess everything.

However, whatever the denial of employment, even in seasoned interview candidates, it sometimes causes an attack of pessimism. But is it always necessary to scold oneself for mistakes made? Read the advice of specialists

“Why did they refuse me?” Some applicants are tormented, sorting through every moment of the interview and every phrase in the resume. Such a reflection, of course, is useful: you can really understand what confused the recruiter in your candidacy. But not always the matter is only in you. Experts acknowledge that there can be a lot of reasons for refusing to hire, and they are not always associated with the low professionalism of the candidate. It's no secret that job seekers are denied because they are too good.

So, consider why you could be denied. There can be many reasons, so we divided them into two parts - objective (you really behaved incorrectly, made mistakes or do not fit for serious reasons) and subjective (you weren’t taken due to certain circumstances in the company or because of not quite correct recruiter ratings).

So, let's start with objective reasons.

1. Inconsistency of your candidacy with the requirements of the vacancy. For example, an ad says that a higher technical education is required, but you do not have it or it is not finished yet. Or a specialist with many years of experience is looking for a specific vacancy, but you have not had time to acquire it. Such restrictions can be attributed to discrimination, but it is better to find out all the requirements before the interview in order to avoid misunderstanding during a conversation with a recruiter.

2. The resume, for whatever reason, stands out too much from the general mass, and the recruiter finds it inappropriate to stand out. For example, a candidate jokes a lot and not always successfully in his CV (for example, he said about himself: “I studied something and somehow”; “I’m looking for a job for Spider-man”, etc.). Or for some reason I indicated information about each place of my work in different colors - blue, pink, yellow. Or he completely abandoned the business style of presentation in favor of a certain “creative".

3. At the interview, the recruitment manager considered the appearance of the candidate not to fit into the corporate culture of the company. For example, everyone goes to work in business suits, and the applicant appeared in worn jeans. Or with too bright manicure (in a too short skirt, with massive earrings, in dirty shoes, etc.).

4. During the interview, it became apparent that the candidate lied in the resume or too embellished his experience and education. No comment: you cannot make a career with cheating.

5. During the interview, the applicant did not demonstrate his motivation and interest in this particular work in this company. The position "persuade me, and maybe then I will agree to your boring work for little money" in most cases is inappropriate. Uninteresting vacancy - do not send resume.

6. At the interview, the applicant asked too many questions about the leave and salary and too few about the duties and rules of work.

7. Illiterate speech of the candidate, especially if he claims to a position where constant communication with clients, partners, etc. is supposed

8. Uncertainty, restraint of the applicant or, conversely, his excessive looseness and self-confidence.

9. During the interview, the applicant criticized his former manager, company, and colleagues. Such a candidate may be considered a conflict or, worse, a scandalous person.

10. The applicant expressed doubt about the qualifications of the recruiter. “How can this girl evaluate me, an experienced specialist?” - recruiters often come across this position, especially among older applicants. Remember: the HR manager evaluates the basic relevance of your job resume and your overall adequacy. Professional qualities are evaluated by a potential manager if you pass the selection of a personnel manager.

11. Alas, this is a reality: the candidate may be too young or too “adult” for a particular vacancy. Most likely, this reason will not be announced to you, but the age limit is commonplace for many companies.

12. The candidate did not prove to be a polite person: he didn’t say hello (or didn’t say hello enough), didn’t miss the girl at the door, didn’t say “all the best” goodbye, etc.

13. The applicant tried to flirt with a recruiter.

14. During the interview, the telephone rang. The fact that he did not turn it off during the interview is not good in itself. But the fact that he decided to answer the call and talk with his wife about shopping on the way home, can put an end to employment in this company.

Now consider the subjective reasons for a possible refusal - those that you should not worry too much about, because you were refused not because you are not qualified enough or do not own business etiquette. And why?

15. The resume seems too good to the recruiter - there is clearly overqualified, that is, an overly high qualification of the applicant for this vacancy. It is believed that a “too smart” candidate is far from the best option for closing a vacancy, especially if it does not involve career growth. There are several disadvantages: a specialist can quickly get bored from the lack of interesting tasks, lose motivation and even leave the company, and besides, he needs to pay more.

16. Another version of the development of events from paragraph 14: during the interview, the telephone rang. The applicant dropped the call, but the recruiter with a delicate aesthetic taste completely rejected the song that was set as the call (for example, Vladimir Central). Or any other melody - the concept of “delicate taste”, as you know, is extensible.

17. The candidate does not look like a real team player in the eyes of the recruiter - as it seems to the employer, the individualistic beginning is too strong.

18. At the same time, the company may have quite specific wishes for the appearance of the future employee. This is especially true for specialists working with clients or to one degree or another “the face of the company” - secretaries, PR managers, etc. Is it worth it to reproach yourself for the fact that you were born, for example, not with a blonde with legs from your ears, but with a brown-haired woman of the usual complexion?

19. During the interview, the applicant told a joke that the recruiter did not like.

20. Too high competition for this workplace. You can perfectly match the vacancy, but another three or four candidates will also ideally fit it ...

21. The recruitment manager for some reason decided that you will not fit into the existing team. For example, everyone in the department loves corporate parties, and you said that "not a party" person. Or all the staff are vegetarians, and you asked if there is a cafe nearby with good meat dishes.

22. Finally, the applicant might simply not like the human recruiter or potential manager. The smell of perfume is too strong, too loud or, on the contrary, a very quiet voice, an inappropriately expensive handbag - there can be a lot of subjective factors.

The list goes on. As you can see, the reasons for refusing to find a job are very different, and it is far from always that the applicant should blame himself for some mistakes. Recruiters are also people and may well be mistaken, like any specialists. Do not take too strict a rating to heart, be sure: the main thing is your professional qualities, and if you were denied, then perhaps the missed vacancy was simply “not yours” and everything that happened would ultimately only benefit your career .


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