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How to answer salary questions

How much did you earn in the same place? How much do you want now? What kind of answers are expected from you at the interview

How much did you earn in the same place?
The conversation about the salary at the interview usually begins with the question of how much you received in your previous job. You may be asked how your work was paid or paid now, do you get a fixed salary or income depends on the results of the activity.

How to answer such a question? You should not, trying to increase your value in the eyes of a recruiter, call too high numbers that are not true. An experienced HR manager monitors the level of salaries in the labor market and approximately represents how much you earn. Therefore, a clearly inadequate answer will alert the recruiter: is everything in order for the applicant with self-esteem? Is he overestimating his talents?

Moreover, the recruiter will also be wary of a low figure. If the applicant talks about the high level of his responsibility at the previous job, about the serious tasks that he solved, then why was he paid so little?

The best answer is to report the real figure of your income, or at least close to reality. You can comment on the answer based on the level of salaries in the labor market for your specialty. “This is somewhat less than what a specialist in my profile and with my experience makes, but everything was compensated by a free schedule and the ability to work at home sometimes”; “This amount is not only my salary, but also a percentage of sales”; “I almost always received both a salary and a bonus according to the results of work, so my income was much higher than that of many colleagues,” such comments will demonstrate to the HR manager your adequate self-esteem and ability to achieve high results.

Not ready to answer? Does an agreement with an employer prohibit disclosing the amount of your income? Refuse to answer the question as diplomatically as possible, while emphasizing that you are following the terms of your contract. “I signed a special document on non-disclosure of trade secrets, to which my former employer also related the level of salary. Sorry, but I can’t tell you the exact amount. However, the figure indicated in your vacancy suits me quite a bit, adjusted for an irregular working day, ”for example, an answer will show that you are a person who knows how to keep secrets, but at the same time is set up constructively.

How much do you want now?
Having discussed the salary at the old job, you will proceed to discuss your expectations in a new place. What amount to name? Think about the answer in advance! Evaluate your value in the labor market - has already talked about how to do this. Consider everything - the region in which you work, your experience in the specialty, experience in managerial work, level of education, knowledge of foreign languages, the presence of scientific or MBA degrees, etc. Salary surveys published regularly in the Zarplatomer journal can help you.

Young specialists should not overestimate their salary expectations, - often the inadequacy of requests is often a concern for recruiters. Evaluate what is more important for you at this stage: is the salary higher than that of peers, or work experience in a successful company, albeit for a little less money?

Immediately inform the final figure of your salary claims or name a little more than you expect to receive in order to be able to bargain, you decide. Most often it will be the right decision to demonstrate loyalty and accommodatingness, indicating the amount of 5-10% more.

In any case, the result of the interview, like any other business negotiations, depends on the presence of a common goal on both sides and their ability to come to a common denominator. We wish you a successful employment and high income!


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